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APIS website update - old tools withdrawal
Dear community,
To comply with the latest safety standards, the APIS website will be upgraded by the 5th January. While it mostly means a layout change for users, two tools will be withdrawned, as they cannot be supported in the new version of the APIS website:
APIS 2020-2022 ammonia data change
Just over a month ago we released the new APIS 2020-2022 data. Recently, some users have pointed us out to us that the NH3 concentrations were abnormally high compared to the N depositions. We, together with the CBED team, investigated this further. We just discovered that there was a bug that caused the CBED NH3 concentrations to be calculated in ppm instead of ug/m3. This is only affecting NH3 concentrations for midyear 2021.
APIS dataset new version release (11/06/2024)
All the UK APIS data (UK background pollutants and UK protected sites) are updated (3 year average for 2020-2022). The app will automatically load the new dataset for UK (midyear 2021).